Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Motorcycles are often regarded as unsafe, speedy drivers. In reality, motorcycles are frequently the ones who are the most safe and attentive ones on the road. Many motorcycle/motor vehicle accidents are caused by inattentive drivers who neglect to share the road or pay attention to smaller motorists (such as those on motorcycles).

At Verrastro & Todoro, LLP, we stand up for those who have been seriously injured in motor vehicle crashes. We offer aggressive legal representation and work to get the best possible outcome for our clients' personal injury claims. While you focus on your recovery and dealing with your injuries, we undertake the legal burdens of your claim.

Motorcycle Crash Injuries

Injuries from motorcycle crashes are often very severe, especially considering the lack of protection that motorcycles have when colliding with a vehicle or pavement. Serious injuries can include:

  • Road rash, scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of a limb
  • Paralysis/spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

Our motorcycle accident lawyers have the legal skills to handle complex injury claims and deal with insurance companies. Excluded from New York's "no-fault" system, motorcycle injury claims can be more complex than some car accident claims, so it is important you work with a team of attorneys who understand these differences and can advocate on your behalf. Verrastro & Todoro, LLP offers the track record you need.

As Riders, We Understand

Many of the attorneys at Verrastro & Todoro, LLP own motorcycles and are riders themselves. We often receive referrals from local motorcycle shops and from past clients, and are proud to maintain a strong referral network. We fully understand the challenges our clients face and are advocates through this process.